

Allegrini S.p.A.: certification, awards and environmental recognition...

Allegrini’s professionalism, trustworthiness and respect for the environment have been validated and guaranteed by a series of certificates and recognitions obtained over the course of its history...


ISO 9001
Allegrini’s objective for continuous improvement in all stages of the production process has been validated since 1997, with the obtaining of ISO 9001 certification for the planning and production of chemical product solutions for the detergent and cosmetics sector and the relative plastic containers (including filling and packaging). A constant striving for perfection in line with Allegrini’s propositional spirit.

In 2006 Allegrini endorsed their commitment for ecological sustainability by launching a line of products certified by Ecolabel, the European brand for ecological quality, which allows European consumers to recognise products and services which are particularly ecological and environmentally respectful. Ecolabel products, made with vegetable-origin raw materials, guarantee reduced environmental impact, the highest levels of biodegradability and increased balance between product and packaging, without compromising product performance.

Allegrini’s environmental commitment is further confirmed by the ICEA-certified product line. ICEA, Environmental and Ethical Certification Institute, is a consortium which monitors and certifies companies which carry out their activity with respect for mankind and the environment, safeguarding the dignity of the workforce and the rights of consumers. ICEA certification guarantees that products are healthy and natural, free from chemical substances which are hazardous to mankind, animals and the environment, through rigorous and scrupulous checks on all of the ingredients and the final product.

In 2000, Allegrini received the award from the Lombardy Region for Casa Quick, a home refill system for detergents which allows for the reduction of packaging costs and the rationalisation of logistics, with significant environmental advantages.

In 2001, Legambiente, the Politecnico di Milano and the Bocconi university presented Allegrini with the “Innovazione amica dell’ambiente (environmentally friendly innovation)” award for the “Casa Quick” project, dedicated to the handling of detergents with a home refill service. The following year, Allegrini was once again presented with the award for the Kelanfuel product, an ecological additive for diesel engines.

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